Competitive Classes

Competitive gymnasts usually live and breathe gymnastics!  It involves longer training hours, and the participation in meets, some of which might not be in the local area.  Training will likely be conducted over 3 or 4 sessions per week, including either a Saturday or Sunday.  Participants will need to commit to the training hours and it’s not really possible to drop in and out if the gymnast wants to master the complex skills.  Competitive gymnasts compete on all of the apparatus including floor, vault, beam, and uneven bars.  In the case of the men (boys), they will learn to work on the floor, vault, rings, pommel horse, parallel bars and high bar.

Children taking up gymnastics for the first time will normally start at the recreational level before being invited to move into the competitive section.

Please note classes marked * are invitation-only classes.


16:00-17:55FV Development & Competitive Group 4*
17:00-21.00Women’s Artistic Competitive*
18:00-20:55FV Development & Competitive Group 5*
18:00-20:55Women's Artistic Prep Group*


16:30-17:25Women's Artistic Development 2019*
17:00-21:00Women’s Artistic Development & Competitive Groups*


16:00-17:55Women’s Artistic Development*
17:00-18:55Development Boys*
17:00-19:00FV Development & Competitive Group 1 Girls 9 & Under*
17:00-21:00Women’s Artistic Competitive Group*
19:00-21:00Men’s Artistic Boys*
19:00-21:00FV Development & Competitive Group 2 Girls 10 & Over*


17:00-21:00Women’s Artistic Competitive Groups*


13:00-13.55Women’s Artistic Preparation*
14:00-16:55Women’s Artistic Development*
14:00-15:55FV Development & Competitive Group 3 *
14:00-17:554 Piece Competitive Girls*
16:00-17:55Girls Advanced Beginner*


09:00-11:00Men’s Artistic Boys*
09:00-15:00Women’s Artistic Competitive Group*
11:00-12:55Men's Artistic Advanced Beginner (7 and under)*
14:00-15:55FV Development & Competitive Group *


09:00-13:00Women’s Artistic Prep Group*
09:00-15:00Women’s Artistic Competitive Groups*
09:00-12:00Women’s Artistic Development Group*
11:00-14:55Women's Artistic Prep Group*